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Turbo Boost gauge Das Opel GT Forum
Datum: 10.03.25 02:54
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  Das Opel GT Forum
  Elektrik (Moderatoren: Manfred Wiards)
  Turbo Boost gauge
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Marc Foyen

Beiträge: 36

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  Turbo Boost gauge Datum:15.05.06 16:59 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden

Hi guys,

my name is Marc Foyen. I´m sorry but I don´t speak german so I do it in english.
I´m buiilding a Targa GT with a turbo engine (C20LET).
I bought a gauge with oil temp / voltmeter to Lenk. It will replace the original clock on the dashboard.
I want to modify the voltmeter of this gauge to turbo pressure gauge. So I need an electric system but the most popular is a machanical gauge.
Where can I buy a pressure sensor able to work from 0 to 2 bar ?

thank you

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Nicht einmal Fliegen ist schöner !

Beiträge: 1851

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  RE: Turbo Boost gauge Datum:15.05.06 17:39 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden

Hi Marc,

have a look at smods - there you find all instruments you need - so you can drive your turbo with low risk of damage.

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Marc Foyen

Beiträge: 36

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  RE: Turbo Boost gauge Datum:15.05.06 18:08 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden

Hi guys,

my name is Marc Foyen. I´m sorry but I don´t speak german so I do it in english.
I´m buiilding a Targa GT with a turbo engine (C20LET).
I bought a gauge with oil temp / voltmeter to Lenk. It will replace the original clock on the dashboard.
I want to modify the voltmeter of this gauge to turbo pressure gauge. So I need an electric system but the most popular is a machanical gauge.
Where can I buy a pressure sensor able to work from 0 to 2 bar ?

thank you

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Marc Foyen

Beiträge: 36

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  RE: Turbo Boost gauge Datum:15.05.06 18:12 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden

Hi Rouven,

How are you ?
And what about your car project ?
Is the Turbo GT ready?

For the gauge, I shall visit the smods site.

thank you

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Marc Foyen

Beiträge: 36

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  RE: Turbo Boost gauge Datum:15.05.06 18:32 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden


The site is very difficult to understand for me....
When I had my Subaru Turbo, I´ve fitted on the dashboard ( radio place) a screen with alot of info, like turbo pressure, lambda value, flowmeter value, injector pressure/timer. Do you think it´s possible with smods? Who is able to make it?

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Nicht einmal Fliegen ist schöner !

Beiträge: 1851

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  RE: Turbo Boost gauge Datum:15.05.06 19:11 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden

Hi Marc,

my Turbo Projekt still goes on, but I need a lot of time and at the moment I have a lack of time. Current I restorate my convertible. You find pictures in an other category here in the GT-Forum. I hope to continue my projekt at summer time.

But back to topic:
At the smods-site you find different gauges:

Typ A: oil, water and temperature up to 200 degree celsius / 392 Fahrenheit
Typ B: Lambda-control - board-voltage 20V
Typ C: boose pressure -1 up to 3,2bar
Typ D: Exhaust Temperature - 1100 degree Celsius
Typ E: oil+petrol pressure - up to 10bar

If you have questions - Mario - owner of the page - is no novice in english.

If possible - show us some pictures of your car.

Best regards,
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