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Opel GT als Ghostbuster Ecto1 Das Opel GT Forum
Datum: 15.03.25 05:53
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  Opel GT als Ghostbuster Ecto1
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  Opel GT als Ghostbuster Ecto1 Datum:29.01.09 01:27 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden

Vorhin beim googeln nach dem berühmten "Ecto1" aus Ghostbusters gefunden.
Ganz nette Geschichte wie ich finde:

To me, this slightly edges the DeLorean as the car of the 1980´s. First popularized in the 1984 film and then in the "Real Ghostbusters" cartoon, it sure as heck was alot better than whatever that monkey drove in the "other" Ghostbusters series.

You may notice there´s a different car in the bottom righthand corner. That right there is an Opal GT. I know you´re wondering what an Opal GT has to do with this, so let´s cut to the chase.

Every kid I knew played Ghostbusters at least once in their childhood. My friends and I were into playing Ghostbusters pretty hardcore though. We´d break out the walkie talkies, the plastic proton pack toys, the Ghost Trap toy, and I think we even fashioned our own poorly drawn shoulder patches as well. We went out in search of ghosts and you know we always caught them. But how did we get from location to location you ask? Well, we hopped into my friends father´s old Opal GT, that´s how!

The thing was no longer in use and the grass had grown up around it. To be honest, there were probably snakes and other animals making a home in the good ole´ Opal GT. But when we sat in the drivers seat, we were suddenly finding ourselves racing through the streets of New York. We´d imagine a vacuum atop the Opal that would suck the ghosts in, just like in the Ghostbusters videogame.

Using the Opal as Ecto-1 was definitely alot of fun. However, one day while we were in the Opal, Jeff accidentally kicked the car into reverse. Suddenly we found ourselves rolling backwards down the driveway at a quickening pace. I was able to jump out before it got too fast, but Jeff ended up riding in it a good ways down the yard until it was finally slowed down. I think that was the last time we needed to use the Ecto-1 to get anywhere when we played Ghostbusters.

Original hier nachzulesen:


Hoffe der Text ist verständlich..zur Not kann mans ja übersetzen =)

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